Historical periods

10: Kodai, prehistoric and ancient, premodern

11: Jōmon ( -300 BC), and earlier

12: Yayoi (300 BC-250 AD)

13: Kofun, tumulus (250-552)

15: Yamato (300-710)

16: Asuka, Suiko (552-645)

19: Borrowing from China (552-866)

20: Nara period (645-794)

15: Yamato (300-710)

19: Borrowing from China (552-866)

21: Early Nara period, Hakuhō (646-710)

25: Late Nara period, Tenpyō (710-794)

30: Heian period (794-1185)

19: Borrowing from China (552-866)

31: Early Heian period, Kōnin (794-866)

35: Late Heian period, Fujiwara (866-1185)

36: Main Fujiwara period (897-1086)

37: Late Fujiwara period (1086-1185)

38: Taira period (1160-1185)

40: Chūsei (1185-1600), Kamakura, Muromachi and Momoyama periods

41: Kamakura period, Nanbokuchō (Yoshino) period (1185-1392)

42: Early Kamakura period, Minamoto shoguns (1185-1221)

45: Late Kamakura period, Hōjō regents (1221-1382)

48: Northern and southern courts, Nanbokuchō, Yoshino (1336-1392)

50: Muromachi, Ashikaga, Sengoku and Azuchi-Momoyama periods (1392-1615)

51: Muromachi period, Ashikaga bakufu (1392-1573)

52: Sengoku, Warring States period (1482-1558)

54: 'Christian century' (1543-1639)

55: Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1615), unification of Japan

56: Unification by Oda Nobunaga (1573-1582)

57: Unification by Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1582-1600)

58: Tokugawa Ieyasu, Sekigahara (1600)

60: Kinsei, Edo, Tokugawa period, early modern (1600-1867)

54: 'Christian century' (1543-1639)

55: Azuchi- Momoyama (1573-1615)

61: Establishment of the shogunate (1600-1651), 17th century general

62: Second half 17th century (1651-1716)

63: Seclusion, sakoku (1639-1854), 18th century general

65: 19th century general

67: Kaikoku and bakumatsu (1854-1867)

70: Kindai (1868-1945), Meiji and Taishō, modernization period (1850- )

71: Meiji period (1868-1912)

72: Early Meiji period, restoration, dajōkan-sei (1868-1885)

73: Late Meiji period (1885-1912), cabinets (1885- ), constitution (1889)

74: Sino-Japanese war, annexation of Taiwan (1894-1895), Russo-Japansese (1904-1905)

78: Annexation of Korea (1905-1945)

75: Taishō period (1912-1925)

76: Early Taishō period, 1910s, Taishō democracy, World War I, 21 demands to China

77: Late Taishō period, 1920s, military regime, regent Hirohito

78: Annexation of Korea (1905-1945)

80: Gendai, modern (1926- ), Shōwa period, 20th century

81: Shōwa period (1926-1989)

82: Prewar period 1920s, 1930s

83: World War II period (1937-1945)

84: War in China and Asia (1937-1945)

85: Global war (1941-1945)

86: End of the war (1945)

88: U.S. occupation (1945-1952)

90: Postwar Shōwa (1945- ), Heisei period (1989- ), contemporary

99: future