Social Sciences

Social sciences in general 社会科学 (一般)

[works that cover multiple social subjects of Japan: socio-economic, socio-political etc. see also 0010-0015 and 4140ff]

4000 General, social history, history of civilization 社会史文明史 [see also 4140 for cultural history; general history 3300ff]

—.10: Kodai, prehistoric and ancient, premodern

—.20: Nara period (645-794)

—.30: Heian period (794-1185)

—.40: Kamakura period, Nanbokuchō (Yoshino) period (1185-1392) and Chūsei in general (1185-1600)

—.50: Muromachi, Ashikaga, Sengoku and Azuchi-Momoyama periods (1392-1615)

—.60: Kinsei, Edo, Tokugawa period, early modern (1600-1867)

—.70: Kindai (1850s- ), bakumatsu, Meiji, Taishō

—.80: Gendai (1926- ), Shōwa period, 20th century

—.90: Postwar Shōwa (1945- ), Heisei period (1989- ), contemporary






4009 [for demography see 4330]

4010 Ideology, socio-political and socio-economic movements and protest 社会思想・イデオロギー・社会運動 [shelving by table 3]

4011 Left-wing, socialist, communist

4015 Right-wing

Society, sociology, anthropology and culture 社会学・人類学・文化

4100 General [for ethics see also 1650]

4101 [see also 4210]







Social psychology and other social-anthropological-cultural phenomena 社会心理学 [see also 4190, 4220, 4230]

4120 General [see also 4100, 4000ff, and 4140]

4121 Leadership and loyalty

4122 Nationalism (incl. ultra nationalism, fascism and state shinto as social phenomena) [see also 1917.70, 4010ff 4140ff]

4124 Public opinion

4125 Propaganda

4126 Media and (mass) communications [see also 0960 and 6839]

4127 Social identity and self

4128 Human and civil rights, freedom of speech [see also 4749]

4129 Cross-cultural contacts, contrasts and globalization [see also 4206ff]

4130 Japanese wit and humor

4131 Happiness

4132 Rationalism

Cultural trends and movements [spanning culture, philosophy, arts, literature, etc; for trends and movements on abc see abc; see also 6021]

4142 Cultural trends and movements in general

4143 Popular culture

4144 Modernism

4145 Postmodernism

Customs, manners, folklore and culture 習慣・伝統・文化 (民俗学)

4150 General and cultural history 文化史

—.10: Kodai, prehistoric and ancient, premodern

—.20: Nara period (645-794)

—.30: Heian period (794-1185)

—.40: Kamakura period, Nanbokuchō (Yoshino) period (1185-1392) and Chūsei in general (1185-1600)

—.50: Muromachi, Ashikaga, Sengoku and Azuchi-Momoyama periods (1392-1615)

—.60: Kinsei, Edo, Tokugawa period, early modern (1600-1867)

—.70: Kindai (1850s- ), bakumatsu, Meiji, Taishō

—.80: Gendai (1926- ), Shōwa period, 20th century

—.90: Postwar Shōwa (1945- ), Heisei period (1989- ), contemporary

4151 Dress, costume and make-up [see also 6630, 8275 and 8360, 8371]

4152 Food [see also 8280ff]

4153 Shelter, housing and dwellings, cleaning

4154 The body, personal hygiene, bathing

4155 Birth [only customs & rituals; for birth control, family planning, abortion see 4171ff]

4156 Marriage and wedding customs

4157 Treatment of the dead and funerals

4158 Gifts and offerings [in relation to abc , see abc (e.g. wedding: 4156; the dead: 4157 and 1846)]

4159 Banquets and parties [in relation to abc, see abc]

4160 Festivals, holidays and tourism [see also sociology of religion 1714, specific religious festivals 1800ff, court ceremony 4773]

Communities, social classes and groups 共同(体)・コミュニティー・社会階層・グループ [organization, culture and discrimination]

[for general works and generalities see 4200]

4164 Occupational communities

4165 Scholars, students, intellectuals [see also 1000ff: Philosophy and thought, 4900ff: Education]

4166 Farmers [see also 4202.30]

4167 Artisans [see also 4202.50]

4168 Merchants [see also 4202.70]

4169 Other classess [court=4201; samurai = 4202.10]

Family and interpersonal relations

4170 Family in general

4171 Domestic science and home economics

4172 Sex relations (including sexual identity, preference, community, customs and culture) [for prostitution see also 4233]

4173 Children, parent-child relations, child raising and upbringing, family planning

4174 Marriage and divorce (all forms of family and living together)

4175 Friendship, interpersonal relations


4176 Gender, women, feminism




—.80: History

4178 Gender, men

4180 Societies and clubs [for societies and clubs of/for ABC see ABC ]

4188 Night-time entertainment, mizu shōbai, geisha, maiko, hostess, mama-san [see also 4233]

Local communities and culture [see also 3410ff]

4190 General [division by table 2 Japan]

4192 Urban groups, the city [see also 3410ff]

4196 Rural groups [see also 3410ff]

Social classes and social groups 社会階層・グループ・差別[several groups are under 4220-4229]

4200Classes and class systems and discrimination in general [see also 4120, 4140]

4201 Upper class, elite

--.10: Imperial family (kōshitsu) [see also 4624]

--.30: Nobility (kuge)

4202 Shi-nō-kō-shō / middle class [see also 4140.60] [vergl. 4164ff met 4202ff en 4186]

--.10: Samurai, bushi

--.30: Farmers, peasants [pref. see 4166]

--.50: Artisans, craftsmen [pref. see 4167]

--.70: Merchants, traders [pref. see 4168]

4203 Outcasts, burakumin, hinin

4204 Age groups and communities

--.10: Children, infants [see also 4222]

--.30: Youth, minors [pref see also 4224]

--.60: Middle aged

--.90: Aged, elderly [see also 4223]

4206 Race and ethnicity as social group (including views on foreignes, xenofobia, racism)

4207 Native ethnicity and race (Ainu)

4208 Immigrants (foreigners in Japan) [division by table 2 World]

4209 Emigrants (Japanese in foreign countries) [for colonial policy see 4801ff] [division by table 2 World]

Social policy and pathology (philanthropy, charities, and corrections)

4210 General

4211 Philanthropy (general)

4212 State and charities

4214 Voluntary and non-profit sector, charity organizations (including NGO & NPO)

4215 International organizations (international aid given and received)

4216 Social welfare, social security

4217 Sanitation and public health [see also 7910]

4219 Emergency services (fire department, ambulance services, disaster relief)

Protection, assistance, relief and social issues of specific groups

4220 General

4221 Handicapped

4222 Children, infants [see also 4204, 4330]

4223 Aged [see also 4204, 4330]

4224 Youth, young men and women [see also 4204, 4330 [shelve here]] (including hikikomori)

4226 Refugees

4227 Persons of special occupations

4229 Homeless, pauperism

Degeneration, intemperance, drug habits, etc.(zelfkant)

4230 General [division by table 1]

4231 Illegal drugs and dependency

4232 Tobacco, alcohol, (legal) drugs and dependency

4233 Prostitution [see also 4172, 4188]

4234 Suicide

4235 Stress, social fatigue

4236 Gambling

4237 Gangsters and mobsters, yakuza

4238 Reclusion (for hikikomori see 4224)

4239 Corruption [as social phenomenon]

4240 Criminology 犯罪学

4260 Penology 刑罰学

4266 Police [division by table 1]

4270 Prisons, punishment [division by table 1]

4275 Reformatories

Sociology, anthropology and culture in other regions









Economy and industry 経済・産業

4300 General, history and biography

—.10: Kodai, prehistoric and ancient, premodern

—.20: Nara period (645-794)

—.30: Heian period (794-1185)

—.40: Kamakura period, Yoshino (1185-1392) and Chūsei in general (1185-1600)

—.50: Muromachi, Ashikaga, Sengoku and Azuchi-Momoyama periods (1392-1615)

—.60: Kinsei, Edo, Tokugawa period, early modern (1600-1867)

—.70: Kindai (1850s- ), bakumatsu, Meiji, Taishō

—.80: Gendai (1926- ), Shōwa period, 20th century

—.90: Postwar Shōwa (1945- ), Heisei period (1989- ), contemporary






Economic theory and thought 経済理論・思想

4310 General and history [see also social sciences in general > theory and philosophy 4009; ideology , 4010]

[capitalism, communism (as economic theory), socialism (as economic theory), liberalisn (as economic theory)]

Demography, population theory 人口統計・人口理論

4330 General [population aging, declining birthrate]

Labor and employment 労働・雇用・就職

4350 General


—.80: History and biography [no further subs]

4351 Labor and employment systems

4352 Social conditions [wages and hours; labor unions, disputes, strikes and arbitration; unemployment]

4353 Women

4354 Migrant labor, foreign workers

Business methods and management 経営・経理

4360 General, history and biography

4365 Marketing and advertising

4369 Doing business with Japan

Local economic history and geography

4390 General [division by table 2 Japan] [see also Geography and local history 3400ff and Local social history 4190ff]

Industry and enterprise

4400 General, history and biography

Industrial and economic organization and relations

4410 General, history and biography

4411 Conglomerates, zaibatsu, keiretsu

4414 Mergers and acquisitions, industrial finance [see also Finance 4560ff]

4415 Industry and state

4416 Industry and military (industrial-military complex)

4419 Industry and society and environment [see also Ecology 7510] [polution, global warming, Kyoto protocol]

Resource industry 資源産業

4420 General,history and biography [mining, energy, water]

Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 農業・林業・漁業・狩猟

4430 General, history and biography

4431 Rice

4434 Forestry and lumber

4435 Animal husbandry

4438 Fishing industry (incl. whaling)

Land and real estate 土地・不動産

4440 General, history and biography

Manufacturing industry 製造業

4450 General, history and biography

4452 High tech

4454 Automotive and shipbuilding (heavy industries)

4455 Aviation and space industries [see also Transportation 4470]

4456 Household consumer products

4458 Textile and clothing [see also Industrial art - costume 6630]

4462 Metal and steel [see also Resourse industries 4420]

4464 Paper and pulp

4466 Food and foodstuff [incl. tobacco]

4468 Chemicals [plastics]

4469 Pharmaceuticals [drugs, medicin, cosmetics, bio-industry]

Transportation industry and infrastructure

4470 General, history and biography

4472 Land [road, railroad, shinkansen]

4474 Water

4476 Air

Communication industy [for information management and industries see 09xx; for ICT see 8xxx]

4480 General, history and biography

4482 Postal services (incl. takkyūbin, parcel services, etc.)

4484 Telephony, telegraphy, telex, fax

4486 Internet [see also xxxx and e-commerce xxxx]

Commerce and trade, service industry 通商・貿易・サービス業

4500 General, history and biography

[for local commerce & trade and service industries, see also Local economic geography and history 4390]

Wholesale industry and distribution

4510 General and history

Retail industry and consumption

4520 General, history and biography

Customer services

4530 General, history and biography

4535 Tourism (incl. travel agencies)

4536 Restaurants and bars [izakaya] [see also Clubs, hostes, geisha 4188]

4537 Hotels and inns [ryōkan, minshuku]

4538 Onsen, spa, parlors [see also Bathing 4154]

International economic relations and commerce









Finance industries

4560 General, history and biography

—.10: Earliest and premodern

—.60: Kinsei, Edo, Tokugawa period, early modern (1600-1867)

—.70: Kindai (1850s- ), bakumatsu, Meiji, Taishō

—.80: Gendai (1926- ), Shōwa period, 20th century

—.90: Postwar Shōwa (1945- ), Heisei period (1989- ), contemporary

4562 Money

4565 Banking

4570 Speculations, stock exchange

4575 Insurance

4580 Public finance and taxes

Economy and industry in other regions









Politics and government (and law) 政治・(法政)

4600 General, history and biography [for law and jurisprudence see 4860ff; for international government and law see 4830ff]

—.10: Earliest and premodern

—.20: Nara period (645-794)

—.30: Heian period (794-1185)

—.40: Kamakura period, Yoshino (1185-1392) and Chūsei in general (1185-1600)

—.50: Muromachi, Ashikaga, Sengoku and Azuchi-Momoyama periods (1392-1615)

—.60: Kinsei, Edo, Tokugawa period, early modern (1600-1867)

—.70: Kindai (1850s- ), bakumatsu, Meiji, Taishō

—.80: Gendai (1926- ), Shōwa period, 20th century

—.90: Postwar Shōwa (1945- ), Heisei period (1989- ), contemporary







Political philosophy, thought and theory 政治学・政治思想

4610 General


4620 General, history and biography

4621 Constitution

4622 Branches of state (legislative, executive, judicial)

4624 Emperor

—.10: Imperial family

—.20: Imperial houselod agency

4626 Ceremonies and rites

4628 Citizenship

Central government

4640 General and history

4641 Cabinet

4642 Councils and advisors (genrō, privy council, ...)

4644 Examination and control organs

4645 Ministries and departments [for policy on abc, see abc]

—.10: Departments related to general affairs

—.30: Departments related to finance

—.50: Departments related to justice

—.70: Departments related to home affais

4646 Ministries and departments [for policy on abc, see abc]

—.10: Departments related to economy and industry (incl. trade, agriculture, public works, labor)

—.40: Departments related to transportation and communication

—.60: Departments related to welfare

—.80: Departments related to education, science and culture

4647 Ministries and departments [for policy on abc, see abc]

—.10: Departments related to foreign affairs

—.50: Departments related to defense and military

4649 Bureaucracy and civil servants 官僚制・公務員・人事行政

4650 Parliament, National Diet [incl. predecessors]

4654 Electoral system

4655 Political parties (national)

Local government and decentralization

4670 General and history

4672 By region [division by table 2 Japan]

Politics in other regions









Law and jurisprudence [for law on abc, see abc]

4700 General, history and biography

—.10: Earliest and premodern

—.20: Nara period (645-794)

—.30: Heian period (794-1185)

—.40: Kamakura period, Yoshino (1185-1392) and Chūsei in general (1185-1600)

—.50: Muromachi, Ashikaga, Sengoku and Azuchi-Momoyama periods (1392-1615)

—.60: Kinsei, Edo, Tokugawa period, early modern (1600-1867)

—.70: Kindai (1850s- ), bakumatsu, Meiji, Taishō

—.80: Gendai (1926- ), Shōwa period, 20th century

—.90: Postwar Shōwa (1945- ), Heisei period (1989- ), contemporary







Judicial organization and procedures

4710 General

4712 Court and trials [types of court, code of procedure, judges, jury system]

4715 Arbitration, settlement

4719 Lawyers

Constitutional law

4720 General [for constitution itself see 4621]

Administrative law

4730 General

Civil law

4740 General

4742 Family, koseki, inheritance and succession

4749 Human rights [see also 4128]

Commercial law

4750 General

4757 Copyright and intellectual property [see also 0931]

Criminal law

4760 General

4767 Juvenile

Law and jurisprudence in other regions









International politics and law 国際政治・関係・法律・法学

4800 General [for history of relations and policy, and relations and policy with specific countries see 4810]

4801 Immigration general [see also: 4208 race and ethnicity as social groups]

4802 Emigration general [see also: 4209 race and ethnicity as social groups]

4804 Colonies. Conditions, organization and administration

International relations, policy and security [incl. collections of treaties and documents]

4810General and history

—.10: Kodai, prehistoric and ancient, premodern

—.20: Nara period (645-794)

—.30: Heian period (794-1185)

—.40: Kamakura period, Nanbokuchō (Yoshino) period (1185-1392) and Chūsei in general (1185-1600)

—.50: Muromachi, Ashikaga, Sengoku and Azuchi-Momoyama periods (1392-1615)

—.60: Kinsei, Edo, Tokugawa period, early modern (1600-1867)

—.70: Kindai (1850s- ), bakumatsu, Meiji, Taishō

—.80: Gendai (1926- ), Shōwa period, 20th century

—.90: Postwar Shōwa (1945- ), Heisei period (1989- ), contemporary

By country









Diplomatic service and consular systems

4820 General and history

4821 In Japan by country (foreign embassies in Japan) [division by table 2 World]

4822 In other countries (Japanese embassies abroad) [division by table 2 World]

4824 Extraterritoriality

International government

4830 General [pref. see 4800]

4831 International arbitration

4833 International court

--.20: International Military Tribunal for the Far East (1946-1948)

4837 League of Nations and United Nations [see also 4811.11]

International law [international arbitration and world court are under 4831ff]

4840 General [division by table 1]

4850 Law of peace and war (including war crimes)

Defense and military

4880 General, history and biography

—.10: Earliest and premodern

—.20: Nara period (645-794)

—.30: Heian period (794-1185)

—.40: Kamakura period, Yoshino (1185-1392) and Chūsei in general (1185-1600)

—.50: Muromachi, Ashikaga, Sengoku and Azuchi-Momoyama periods (1392-1615)

—.60: Kinsei, Edo, Tokugawa period, early modern (1600-1867)

—.70: Kindai (1850s- ), bakumatsu, Meiji, Taishō

—.80: Gendai (1926- ), Shōwa period, 20th century

—.90: Postwar Shōwa (1945- ), Heisei period (1989- ), contemporary







4882 Army

4884 Navy

4886 Air force

4888 Special subjects

—.10: Arms, weaponry

—.90: Intelligence, espionage

International relations and defense in other regions









Education 教育

4900 General, history and biography

—.10: Kodai, prehistoric and ancient, premodern

—.20: Nara period (645-794)

—.30: Heian period (794-1185)

—.40: Kamakura period, Yoshino (1185-1392) and Chūsei in general (1185-1600)

—.50: Muromachi, Ashikaga, Sengoku and Azuchi-Momoyama periods (1392-1615)

—.60: Kinsei, Edo, Tokugawa period, early modern (1600-1867)

—.70: Kindai (1850s- ), bakumatsu, Meiji, Taishō

—.80: Gendai (1926- ), Shōwa period, 20th century

—.90: Postwar Shōwa (1945- ), Heisei period (1989- ), contemporary







Educational systems and organization

4920 General (private, public, state, church, religion)

4931 (pedagogy)

4935 Educational psychology and sociology

4936 Learning

4937 Teaching


4940 General

4941 School organisation and records

4942 School finance [see also 4580 Public finance]

4943 Business management

4944 Architecture

--.10: School sites

--.20: Buildings

--.40: Laboratories

--.60: Library and musea

4945 Equipment

4946 Hygiene

4947 Faculty

4948 Admission, examination and marking/grading

4949 Classroom management

4950 Curriculum, teaching materials, textbooks [for texbooks on abc, see abc]

4951 Discipline

4952 School life (incl. ijime)

Types and levels of education

4955 Preschool, kindergartens and elementary education

4960 Secondary education (chūgakkō and kōkō)

4965 Higher education (daigaku and daigakuin)

4972 Vocational, and professional education (senmongakkō) [see also 4966]

4979 Special forms of education

--.10: Moral education

--.20: Religious education

--.30: Home education

--.40: Self education

--.50: Extension and additional education

--.52: Adult

--.54: Evening

--.56: Vocational

--.58: Correspondance

--.60: Private education, tutoring, cram school, juku

--.70: Education for citizenship

--.80: Mass education (NHK kyōiku, hōsō daigaku)

--.90: Others (trafic school)

4981 Education for special classes

--.10: Women

--.20: Oveseas residents (future- )

--.30: Special ethnic minorities

--.40: Special social classes

--.50: Orphans and neglected

--.60: Defectives (both ways)

--.70: Handicapped and disabled

--.90: Others

4985 Individual educational institutions [and their programs (for foreign exchane)][division by table 2 Japan]

Education in other countries [including Japanese studying abroad, ryūgaku]